Lower Respiratory Tract (Pleura, Pleural Cavity and Lungs)


  • The respiratory tract has two parts: The upper and lower respiratory tract
  • The URT includes the nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx ad are studied as part of head and neck
  • The LRT starts just below the vocal cords
  • The trachea has a cervical and a thoracic part
  • The lungs are part of the lower respiratory tract
  • The lungs are responsible for gaseous exchange in man
  • They are surrounded by visceral and parietal pleurae
  • There is a pleural cavity which is between the two pleurae which reduces friction during inspiration and expiration



  • To describe the lower respiratory tract
  • To recognize that the upper respiratory tract belongs to the head and the neck section
  • To appreciate that the LRT is made os the trachea, pleura, pleural cavity and lungs
  • Trachea

-To appreciate it’s beginning and end

-To recognize the difference between the Rt and the Lf main bronchus

-To recognize it’s relations in the superior mediastinum

-To appreciate it’s NVB

  • Pleura

-To recognize its layers, cavity, reflections and NVB

  • Lung

-To differentiate the Rt from the Lt lung and their relationships

-To recognize the lobes, fissures, root of the lung and it’s contents

-To recognize the respiratory tree

-To recognize the arrangement of the NVB

  • To appreciate pneumonia, pulmonarly TB, emphysma, bronchial asthma, bronchioectasis, cancer of the lung

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