
  • The old name of this cancer was ‘malignant melanoma’
  • Today the name used is a ‘Melanoma’
  • There are many types of melanoma.
  • It occur wherever melanocytes exist.
  • It is commoner among whites.
  • Among blacks it is commonest on the foot.
  • It is the most feared skin cancer because it spreads.
  • Surgery is the treatment of choice whenever possible, other treatments are still being investigated



  • To describe a melanoma.
  • To Appreciate the position of melanocytes.
  • To appreciate that melanoma is commoner in males.
  • To appreciate that moles can be a precasor of a melanoma .
  • To recognize the types of melanoma.
  • To recognize ‘in-transit’ tumors.
  • To appreciate the staging of melanoma.
  • To appreciate  the symptoms and signs of melanoma.
  • To appreciate the differential diagnosis.
  • To appreciate that a biopsy confirms the diagnosis.
  • To recognize that the treatment includes: Surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy and radiotherapy.
  • To recognize that melanoma is the most dangerous skin tumour.
  • To appreciate the need for follow-up and prevention.


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